About Guest Post

  1. Post must be Informative, attractive, descriptive and unique from others.
  2. Topic Should be one in a blog (Multiple topics are not allowed in a single post but you can write multiple articles for multiple topics. In a single post, related information for that topic can be included).
  3. Topic’s domain must be related to computer education and Computer technology. (Travel blog, life lessons, motivational articles are also acceptable but technical news article is not acceptable)
  4. We don’t Pay for any guest post.
  5. Word range 1200 to 2000 per post.
  6. Redirection must be in quality (informative) and topic related website or web page. [Tips: Include the link of your most successful post].
  7. Make your own image or inform us about the source of images.
  8. Post shouldn’t be copied from others. If someone claims (Legal Claims) for your post, we will delete your post and we will make a report against your site to Search Engine along with the content owner.
  9. Send your post on mail (Word file is best, If PDF, please send image separately).
  10.  Average review time is 3 to 7 days for each post.
  11. We will inform you whether it is accepted or rejected. If accepted, we will publish your post on our website. If rejected, we will delete your post and provide you the reasons of rejection (We will never use your information without your permission).
  12.  If your article is posted on our website, you can’t post this article to any other websites.
  13.  You can add your social media identity (link) to your post.
  14.  Give a brief description of yourself when you are sending the article to us.

Note: These predefined instructions are not all, but if we find any other inappropriate things, we may not accept your post.