Overview of Java Language Questions and Answers

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Question List:

1. What is an assembly language?

2. What is an assembler?

3. What is a high-level programming language?

4. What is a source program?

5. What is an interpreter?

6. What is a compiler?

7. What is the difference between an interpreted language and a compiled language?

8. What is an operating system? List some popular operating systems.

9. What are the major responsibilities of an operating system?

10. What are multiprogramming, multithreading, and multiprocessing?

11. What does IDE stand for?

12. Are tools like NetBeans and Eclipse different languages from Java, or are they dialects or extensions of Java?

13. What is a keyword? List some Java keywords.

14. Is Java case sensitive? What is the case for Java keywords?

15. What is a comment? Is the comment ignored by the compiler? How do you denote a comment line and a comment paragraph?

16. What is the statement to display a string on the console?

17. Show the output of the following code :

18. What is the Java source filename extension, and what is the Java bytecode file- name extension?

19. What are the input and output of a Java compiler?

20. What is the command to compile a Java program?

21. What is the command to run a Java program?

22. What is the JVM?

23. Can Java run on any machine? What is needed to run Java on a computer?

24. What are the supported platforms by Java Programming Language?

25. List two Java IDE's?

26. Define JRE i.e. Java Runtime Environment?

27. What is JAR file?

28. What is a WAR file?

29. Define JIT compiler?

30. What is the difference between object oriented programming language and object based programming language?

31. What is the purpose of default constructor?

32. Can a constructor be made final?

33. What is static block?