Data Structure Syllabus

  1. Data Structure Introduction

1. About DSA

2. Algorithm Design Techniques

3. What is Data Structure

4. What is Algorithm

5. Various Data structures

6. Various Data structures operations

7. Time Complexity

8. Space Complexity

  2. Array

1. Array Introduction in Data Structure

2. Two-dimension Array in Data Structure

3. Multi-dimensional Array

4. Operations on Array

5. Traversal

6. Selection

7. Insertion

8. Deletion

  3. Linked List

1. Linked List Introduction

2. Array and Linked List

3. Singly linked list

4. Doubly linked list

5. Circular linked list

  4. Stack Data Structure

1. Stack Data Structure Introduction

2. Stack operations and Implementation

3. Stack implementation using Linked List

4. Polish Notation

5. Postfix Evaluation Algorithm

6. Infix to Postfix Conversion

7. Infix to Prefix Conversion

  5. Queue Data Structure

1. Queue Introduction

2. Queue Implementation using Structure

3. Queue Implementation using Array

4. Queue Implementation using Linked List

5. Priority Queue Implementation using Array

6. Queue Implementation using Stack

7. Circular Queue

  6. Sorting

1. Bubble Sort

2. Selection Sort

3. Merge Sort

4. Quick Sort

5. Insertion Sort

  7. Searching

1. Linear Search

2. Binary Search

  8. Tree

1. Tree Introduction

2. Types of tree

3. Binary Tree

4. Complete Binary Tree

5. level and height of the tree

6. Skewed Binary Tree

7. Extended Binary Tree

8. AVL Tree

  9. Graph

1. Graph in Data Structure

2. Representation of Graphs

3. Graph Terminology