Applications of Queue?

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Queues have a wide range of applications in various fields, such as:

  1. Operating Systems: Queues are used to manage processes and tasks in an operating system.

  2. Networking: Queues are used to buffer and manage incoming and outgoing network traffic.

  3. Database Systems: Queues are used to manage and process database transactions, and to implement things like deadlock detection.

  4. Print and Job Queues: Queues are used to manage and schedule print jobs and other background tasks.

  5. Web Applications: Queues are often used to process and manage tasks, such as sending email notifications, updating search indexes, or performing other background tasks.

  6. Gaming: Queues are often used to handle input events in games and other real-time applications.

  7. Traffic simulation: Queues are used in simulating traffic in cities, highways and other network of roads.

  8. Task scheduler: Queues are used to schedule task in some programming languages like golang, which have built in support for task schedulers

  9. Message broker : They are used to handle messages in a communication systems by implementing different protocol to publish, subscribe and route messages

This is not an exhaustive list and there are many other areas where queues are used.

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