Example of Derived table, CTE, Views, Table Variable

SQL >   SQL Server Trigger >   Instead of delete trigger  

Long Question



Let's create the required Employee and Department tables, that we will be using for this demo.

SQL Script to create tblEmployee table:

CREATE TABLE tblEmployee
  Id int Primary Key,
  Name nvarchar(30),
  Gender nvarchar(10),
  DepartmentId int

SQL Script to create tblDepartment table

CREATE TABLE tblDepartment
 DeptId int Primary Key,
 DeptName nvarchar(20)

Insert data into tblDepartment table

Insert into tblDepartment values (1,'IT')
Insert into tblDepartment values (2,'Payroll')
Insert into tblDepartment values (3,'HR')
Insert into tblDepartment values (4,'Admin')

Insert data into tblEmployee table

Insert into tblEmployee values (1,'Rambo', 'Male', 3)
Insert into tblEmployee values (2,'Raja', 'Male', 2)
Insert into tblEmployee values (3,'Roma', 'Female', 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (4,'Ron', 'Male', 4)
Insert into tblEmployee values (5,'Sara', 'Female', 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (6,'Azam', 'Male', 3)

Now, we want to write a query which would return the following output. The query should return, the Department Name and Total Number of employees,

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