What is the purpose of the @staticmethod decorator in Python?

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The @staticmethod decorator in Python is used to define a static method for a class. A static method is a method that is bound to the class and not the instance of the class. Static methods can be called without creating an instance of the class, making them useful for utility functions that do not require access to the instance state.

The @staticmethod decorator is used to indicate that a method should be a static method. A static method does not take any special first argument like self or cls, and can be called using the class name as a namespace.

For example, consider the following code:

class MathUtils:
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y

    def multiply(x, y):
        return x * y

In this example, the MathUtils class defines two static methods, add and multiply. These methods can be called using the class name, as shown below:

result = MathUtils.add(3, 5)

By using the @staticmethod decorator, the add and multiply methods can be called without creating an instance of the MathUtils class. This makes the code more readable and maintainable, and helps to prevent programming errors by enforcing that these methods do not rely on instance state.

Note that static methods can also be called using an instance of the class, but this is discouraged as it can be confusing and misleading. When calling a static method on an instance, the class is implicitly passed as the first argument, but this behavior is not necessary or useful in most cases.

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