strstr() function in C Programming Language

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2019-03-31   7628 Share
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strstr() function returns pointer to the first occurrence of the string in a given string. Syntax for strstr( ) function is given below.


char *strstr(const char *str1, const char *str2);


The strstr() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence in the string pointed to by str1 of the string pointed to by str2. It returns a null pointer if no match is found.

Program 1

This program displays the message is is a test:

void main(void)
	char *poin;
	poin = strstr("this is a test", "is");


is is a test 

Program 2

In this program, strstr( ) function is used to locate first occurrence of the string "test" in the string "This is a test string for testing". Pointer is returned at first occurrence of the string "test".

int main ()
  char string[55] ="This is a test string for testing";
  char *p;
  p = strstr (string,"test");
    printf("string found\n" );
    printf ("First occurrence of string \"test\" in \"%s\" is"\
           " \"%s\"",string, p);
  else printf("string not found\n" );
   return 0;


string found
First occurrence of string "test" in "This is a test string for testing" is "tes
t string for testing"