C Program to Store Information Using Structures with Dynamically Memory Allocation

C Programming Language / Structure in C Language



#include <stdio.h>

struct course
   int marks;
   char subject[30];

int main()
   struct course *ptr;
   int i, noOfRecords;
   printf("Enter number of records: ");
   scanf("%d", &noOfRecords);

   // Allocates the memory for noOfRecords structures with pointer ptr pointing to the base address.
   ptr = (struct course*) malloc (noOfRecords * sizeof(struct course));

   for(i = 0; i < noOfRecords; ++i)
       printf("Enter name of the subject and marks respectively:\n");
       scanf("%s %d", &(ptr+i)->subject, &(ptr+i)->marks);

   printf("Displaying Information:\n");

   for(i = 0; i < noOfRecords ; ++i)
       printf("%s\t%d\n", (ptr+i)->subject, (ptr+i)->marks);

   return 0;


Enter number of records: 2
Enter name of the subject and marks respectively:
Enter name of the subject and marks respectively:

Displaying Information:
Programming      22
Structure        33


In this example, you'll learn to store information using structures by allocation dynamic memory using malloc().

This program asks user to store the value of noOfRecords and allocates the memory for the noOfRecords structure variable dynamically using malloc() function.

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