C Programming Language Syllabus

  1. Fundamentals of C Language

1. About C tutorial

2. Important points about C

3. Why Use C

4. Applications of C

5. C Language and English Language

6. Features of C

7. C, C++ and Java

  2. Overview of C Language

1. History of C

2. First Program in C Hello World

3. Basic Structure of C Programming

4. Tokens in C

5. Keywords in C

6. Identifiers in C

7. Format Specifiers

8. Format Specifiers Examples

  3. Data Types in C Language

1. Introduction to Data Types in C

2. int Data Type in C

3. float Data Type in C

4. double Data Type in C

5. char Data Type in C

  4. Variable in C Language

1. Variable Introduction in C

2. Variable Declaration and Initialization

3. Variable types and Scope in C

4. Local Variable in C

5. static Variable in C

6. Global variables in C

7. Storage Class in C

  5. Constant in C Language

1. Constants in C

  6. Operators and Enums in C Language

1. Introduction to Operator

2. Arithmetic Operators in C

3. Relational Operators in C

4. Bit-wise Operators in C

5. Logical Operators in C

6. Assignment Operators in C

7. Conditional Operator in C

8. sizeof() Operator in C

9. Operator Precedance

10. ASCII Value

  7. Decision Making of C Language

1. Decision Making in C Introduction

2. if Statement

3. if-else Statement

4. Nested if Statement

5. if else if Ladder

6. switch case

  8. Loop control in C Language

1. Loop Introduction in C

2. while loop in C

3. do while Loop In C

4. for Loop in C

  9. Control Flow in C Programming

1. break Statement in C

2. continue Statement in C

3. goto Statement in C

  10. Array in C Language

1. Single Dimensional Array

2. Multi-Dimensional Array in C

  11. String in C Language

1. Introduction to String

  12. Function in C Language

1. Function in C

2. Function Calling in C

3. return type in Function

4. Call by Value in C

5. User Define Function

6. Predefined Functions

  13. String functions in C

1. All String Functions

2. strcat() function

3. strncat() function

4. strcpy() function

5. strncpy() function

6. strlen() function

7. strcmp() function

8. strcmpi() function

9. strchr() function

10. strrchr() function

11. strstr() function

12. strrstr() function

13. strdup() function

14. strlwr() function

15. strupr() function

16. strrev() function

17. strset() function

18. strnset() function

19. strtok() function

  14. Recursion in c

1. Introduction to Recursion

2. Direct and Indirect Recursion

  15. Pointer in C Language

1. Pointer in C

2. types of pointer

3. NULL pointer

4. Dangling Pointer

5. Void/Generic Pointers

6. Wild Pointer

7. Near, Far and Huge Pointer

8. Pointer Expressions and Arithmetic

9. Pointer and Array

10. Strings as pointers

11. Pointer to Function

12. Call by Reference in C

  16. Structure in C Language

1. Structure in C

2. Nested Structure in C

3. Array of Structures in C

4. Pointer to Structure

5. Structure to Function in C

6. typedef in C

7. typedef vs #define in C

  17. Union in C Language

1. Union in C

  18. File Input/Output

1. Introduction to File

2. File Operation in c

  19. Dynamic Memory Allocation

1. Introduction to DMA

2. calloc() and free()

3. realloc() and free() function

  20. C Pre-processor

1. Introduction about Pre-processor

  21. Command Line Arguments

1. Introduction CLAs