Discuss some limitations of computers.

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Although computers are widely used in various fields, but still they have some limitations which are as follows:
• The computers are faster, more diligent, accurate and versatile than human beings but they cannot replace them. Thus, one can say that they do not have any intelligence.
• They can only perform what they are programmed to do. They work only on stored procedures and cannot think for themselves. Thus, they cannot make any decisions of their own.
• They need well-defined instructions to perform any operation. Therefore, they are unable to give any conclusion without going through intermediate steps and thus, cannot generate information on their own.
• Their use is limited in areas where qualitative considerations are important. For instance, they can make plans based on situations and information but they cannot foresee whether they will succeed or not.
• They cannot correct wrong instructions. If the instructions are not accurate then the working of the computer will not be accurate. Therefore, computer will give wrong information if feed with wrong data.
• They need to be installed in a dust-free place. As some parts of computers get heated up due to heavy processing, therefore, the ambient temperature of system should be maintained.
• Computer parts require regular checking and maintenance in order to give correct result. This is because sometimes a program which was running correctly for some period of time might produce an error when re-run later.

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