Fifth Generation (Present and beyond): Arti?cial Intelligence

Computer Fundamentals >   History of Computer >   Computer Generations  

Long Question



The  dream  of  creating  a  human-like  computer  that  would  be  capable  of  reasoning  and  reaching  at a  decision  through  a  series  of  ‘what-if-then’  analyses  have  existed since  the  beginning  of  computer  technology. Such a computer would learn from its mistakes and possess the skill of experts. These are the objectives for creating the ?fth generation of computers. The starting point for the ?fth generation of computers had been set in the early 1990s. The process of developing ?fth generation computers is still in the development stage and will use the concept of expert system. The ‘expert system’ is de?ned as a computer information system that attempts to mimic the thought process and reasoning of experts in speci?c areas.

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