Advanced Join Example in SQL

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-03-25   5693 Share
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Here we will learn about:

  • Retrieve only the non matching rows from the left table
  • Retrieve only the non matching rows from the right table
  • Retrieve only the non matching rows from both the left and right table

How to retrieve only the non matching rows from the left table. The output should be as shown below:


SELECT       Name, Gender, Salary, DepartmentName
FROM         tblEmployee E
LEFT JOIN    tblDepartment D
ON           E.DepartmentId = D.Id

How to retrieve only the non matching rows from the right table


SELECT         Name, Gender, Salary, DepartmentName
FROM           tblEmployee E
RIGHT JOIN     tblDepartment D
ON             E.DepartmentId = D.Id
WHERE          E.DepartmentId IS NULL

How to retrieve only the non matching rows from both the left and right table. Matching rows should be eliminated.


SELECT         Name, Gender, Salary, DepartmentName
FROM           tblEmployee E
FULL JOIN      tblDepartment D
ON             E.DepartmentId = D.Id
WHERE          E.DepartmentId IS NULL
OR             D.Id IS NULL

Code: SQL Script to create tblEmployee and tblDepartment tables

Create table tblDepartment
     ID int primary key,
     DepartmentName nvarchar(50),
     Location nvarchar(50),
     DepartmentHead nvarchar(50)

Insert into tblDepartment values (1, 'IT', 'London', 'Rick')
Insert into tblDepartment values (2, 'Payroll', 'Delhi', 'Ron')
Insert into tblDepartment values (3, 'HR', 'New York', 'Christie')
Insert into tblDepartment 
values (4, 'Other Department', 'Sydney', 'Cindrella')

Create table tblEmployee
     ID int primary key,
     Name nvarchar(50),
     Gender nvarchar(50),
     Salary int,
     DepartmentId int foreign key references tblDepartment(Id)

Insert into tblEmployee values (1, 'Azam', 'Male', 4000, 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (2, 'Roma', 'Female', 3000, 3)
Insert into tblEmployee values (3, 'Inza', 'Male', 3500, 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (4, 'Jaman', 'Male', 4500, 2)
Insert into tblEmployee values (5, 'Samser', 'Male', 2800, 2)
Insert into tblEmployee values (6, 'Kamran', 'Male', 7000, 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (7, 'Sara', 'Female', 4800, 3)
Insert into tblEmployee values (8, 'Valarie', 'Female', 5500, 1)
Insert into tblEmployee values (9, 'Rumman', 'Male', 6500, NULL)
Insert into tblEmployee values (10, 'Russell', 'Male', 8800, NULL)