Data Structure Blogs

Insert a node in the singly linked list

If you're looking to insert a node into a singly linked list, look no further! This easy-to-use tutorial will show you how it's done. First, create a new node with the data you want to insert. Then, find the node before the one you want to insert, and swap the data in the new node with the data in the old node. Finally, update the links to the new node. It's that easy!

Stacks and Queues in Data structure

An array is a random access data structure, where each element can be accessed directly and in constant time. A linked list is a sequential access data structure, where each element can be accesed only in particular order. In this note we consider a subcase of sequential data structures, so-called limited access data sturctures.

How to perform operations involving external variables

Operations on Array elements: How to perform operations involving external variables, Program to multiply each array Elements with a constant 2, Program to add each array Elements with a constant 10

How to add array Elements in odd and even places

How to add array Elements in odd and even places using function

How to add array Elements in a special region

How to add array Elements in a special region:

C Program to Implement a Queue using an Array

C Program to Implement a Queue using an Array: Here is source code of the C Program to implement a queue using array. The C program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.

Hashing, Hash table, hash function, collision and collision resolution technique

Hashing is a technique used to perform a fast lookup of data by using a unique identifier called a hash key. Hash tables are data structures used to store data in a hash function, which maps the data to a unique hash key. Collisions occur when two or more hash keys map to the same data, which can be resolved by using a collision resolution technique.

C Program to Construct a Tree with insertion operation and display the output

This C Program constructs Tree & Perform Insertion, Display.
The C program is successfully compiled and run on a windows system. The program output is also shown below.