
Rumman Ansari   2023-01-30   Developer   skill > Communication   3943 Share

Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and messages between individuals or groups through various means, such as speaking, writing, or nonverbal cues. Effective communication involves not only transmitting information, but also ensuring that the message is understood correctly by the intended audience.

Communication is essential in all aspects of life, including personal, social, and professional contexts. It is a fundamental skill that enables individuals to build relationships, negotiate effectively, and achieve their goals.

Some key components of effective communication include:

  1. Clarity: Ensuring that the message is clear, concise, and easily understood.

  2. Active listening: Paying attention to the speaker and demonstrating understanding through verbal and nonverbal cues.

  3. Feedback: Providing feedback to the speaker to ensure that the message is understood correctly.

  4. Empathy: Understanding the speaker's perspective and demonstrating empathy and respect.

  5. Adaptability: Adapting communication style and approach to fit the needs and preferences of the audience.

Developing effective communication skills requires practice and a willingness to learn and adapt. It involves being aware of one's communication style and continuously seeking feedback to improve performance. By developing strong communication skills, individuals can enhance their personal and professional relationships, improve their ability to negotiate and influence others, and achieve their goals more effectively.


What should I comment for my Annual appraisal on the topic of 'Communication' if asked by my company's manager said that: Listens effectively and expresses ideas in a clear, concise and organized manner. Pays attention to verbal/non-verbal cues and adapts accordingly. Conveys the desired information and influences others towards required action through verbal or written means.

What should I make comment on this?

Comment 1

I always pay attention and communicate effectively to express my views while discussing about the tasks and problems . I communicate clearly with team members and listen to their comments effectively.

Comment 2

In response to the assessment of my communication skills, I believe that effective communication has been a key aspect of my role in the company. I have consistently made an effort to listen attentively to colleagues and express my ideas in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Additionally, I have been conscious of verbal and non-verbal cues, adapting my communication style to better suit the situation. I am confident that I have effectively conveyed information and influenced others towards the desired action through my verbal and written communication.

Comment 3

I completely agree with my manager's assessment of my communication skills. Throughout the past year, I have strived to actively listen to my colleagues and effectively convey my ideas in a clear and concise manner. I have also paid attention to verbal and non-verbal cues in conversations and have adapted my communication style accordingly. Whether it's through verbal or written means, I have always aimed to convey the necessary information and influence others towards the desired action. I believe that my strong communication skills have played a key role in my success this year.

Comment 4

When it comes to my communication skills, I am pleased to say that I have consistently demonstrated effective listening and clear, concise, and organized expression of ideas. I am also attentive to both verbal and non-verbal cues in communication and am able to adjust my approach accordingly. Through both verbal and written means, I have been successful in conveying the necessary information and influencing others to take the desired actions.

Comment 5

As per your company's manager's evaluation of my communication skills, I am pleased to say that I have consistently strived to improve and enhance my abilities in this area. Throughout my time at the company, I have made a conscious effort to actively listen to my colleagues, colleagues and clients, and to express my ideas clearly and concisely, adapting my communication style as necessary based on verbal and non-verbal cues. I am confident that I have effectively conveyed the necessary information and influenced others towards the desired action through both verbal and written communication. I will continue to work on my communication skills and make them a priority in order to maintain and improve my performance in this area.

Comment 5

In response to my manager's assessment of my communication skills, I would like to highlight that I have always strived to listen actively and effectively communicate my ideas. I am aware of the importance of paying attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues in order to adapt my communication style to the audience. Additionally, I have made an effort to clearly convey the desired information and influence others towards the required action through both verbal and written means. I believe that my skills in this area have contributed to the success of several projects and initiatives within the company.