Java Inheritance Example

Java Programming Language / Inheritance in java


This is an example of inheritance in Java. The Programmer class is a subclass of the Employee class and inherits its salary field. In addition, the Programmer class has its own field bonus.

When the main method is executed, a new Programmer object is created and its salary and bonus fields are printed to the console. Since salary is inherited from Employee, it has a default value of 40000, and bonus has a value of 10000.


class Employee{
float salary=40000;
class Programmer extends Employee{
int bonus=10000;
public static void main(String args[]){
Programmer p=new Programmer();
System.out.println("Programmer salary is:"+p.salary);
System.out.println("Bonus of Programmer is:"+p.bonus);


 Programmer salary is:40000.0
 Bonus of programmer is:10000


In the above example, Programmer object can access the field of own class as well as of Employee class i.e. code reusability.

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