C# Programming Language Syllabus

  1. Fundamentals of C# Language

1. About C# Tutorial

2. What is C#

3. Why Use C#

4. Applications of C#

5. Features of C#

6. C# vs C++

7. C# vs Java

  2. Overview of C# Language

1. History of C#

2. First Program in C# Hello World

3. Basic Structure of C# Programs

4. Tokens, Keywords and Identifiers

5. C# Comments

6. C# Comments

  3. Data Types, Variables and Constants in C# Language

1. Introduction to Data Types in C# Language

2. Integer Datatype

3. Double Datatype in C#

4. Boolean Data Type in C#

5. String Data Type in C#

  4. Operators in C# Language

1. Introduction to operator

2. Arithmetic Operators

3. Relational Operators

4. Logical Operators

5. Bitwise Operators

6. Assignment Operators

7. Miscellaneous Operators

8. Operator Precedence in C#

  5. Decision Making of C# Language

1. Decision Making in C# Introduction

2. if Statement

3. if-else Statement

4. Nested if Statement

5. if else if Ladder

6. switch case

  6. Loop control in C# Language

1. Loop Introduction

2. while Loop

3. do while Loop

4. for Loop

5. Nested Loop

  7. Control Flow in C# Programming

1. Break Statement

2. continue statement

  8. Array in C# Language

1. Introduction to Array

  9. String in C# Language

1. Introduction to String

  10. Function in C# Language

1. Introduction to Method

  11. Recursion in C# Language

1. Introduction to Recursion

  12. OOPS Concept

1. Introduction to OOP Concept

2. Class & Objects

3. Access specifiers,Properties and Methods

  13. Inheritance

1. Inheritance in C#

  14. Polymorphism

  15. Abstract class and Interface

  16. Collections

1. Array & Arraylist

2. Stack & Queue

3. Hashtable

4. Genericlist

5. SortedList & Dictionary