Constructor in X++ programming Language

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-08-22   1134 Share
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Exploring Constructors in X++ Programming Language

Introduction: Constructors play a fundamental role in object-oriented programming languages, and X++ is no exception. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of constructors in X++, exploring what they are, how they work, and how they contribute to creating well-structured and maintainable code.

1. Understanding Constructors

What are Constructors?

A constructor is a special method within a class that is responsible for initializing objects of that class. It is automatically called when an instance of the class is created, ensuring that the object is properly set up before it is used. Constructors enable you to perform necessary setup tasks, such as initializing member variables and establishing initial state.

Importance of Constructors

Constructors play a crucial role in object-oriented programming as they facilitate the creation of objects with a consistent and predictable state. By encapsulating the initialization logic within constructors, code duplication is reduced, and the risk of using uninitialized objects is minimized.

2. Basic Syntax and Usage

Creating a Constructor

In X++, creating a constructor is straightforward. It hasn't the same name as the class. Here's an example:

class MyClass
    public void new()
        // Constructor code here

Constructor Naming Convention

While X++ does not enforce specific naming conventions for constructors, it's a common practice to use the new name for the constructor to maintain clarity and consistency.

3. Constructor Parameters

Passing Parameters to Constructors

Constructors can accept parameters, allowing you to pass initial values to the object being created. This is particularly useful for setting member variables during object initialization.

class Person
    str firstName;
    str lastName;

    public void new(str _firstName, str _lastName)
        firstName = _firstName;
        lastName = _lastName;

Constructor Overloading

X++ not supports constructor overloading, which means you can't define multiple constructors with different parameter lists. This provides flexibility when creating objects.

class Person
    str firstName;
    str lastName;
    str middleName;

    public void new(str _firstName, str _lastName)
        firstName = _firstName;
        lastName = _lastName;

    // below is not possible it will through error
    // it will say that "The name 'new' denotes a method, and cannot be reused in this context
    public void new(str _firstName, str _middleName, str _lastName)
        firstName = _firstName;
        lastName = _lastName;
        middleName = _middleName;


4. Constructor Chaining

Extending Classes and Inheritance

In X++, classes can be extended to create new classes with additional functionality. Constructors are also inherited, but they are not automatically called from a derived class. You need to explicitly call the base class constructor using the super() keyword.

Chaining Constructors with super()

Constructor chaining allows you to invoke multiple constructors in a class hierarchy. By calling the base class constructor using super(), you ensure that the initialization logic of the entire inheritance chain is executed.

5. Initialization and Setup

Initializing Member Variables

Constructors are an ideal place to initialize member variables, ensuring that objects start with meaningful and consistent values.

Setting Initial State of Objects

Constructors play a key role in establishing the initial state of objects. This can include setting default values, connecting to databases, or performing any other necessary setup operations.

6. Object Creation and Constructor Invocation

Using the new Keyword

To create objects in X++, you use the new keyword followed by the new name and any required constructor parameters.

Automatic Invocation of Constructors

When you create an instance of a class, the constructor is automatically invoked, ensuring that the object is properly initialized before use.

7. Best Practices and Guidelines

Designing Effective Constructors

  • Keep constructors focused on initializing objects, avoiding complex logic.
  • Favor constructor parameters over direct property assignments for object setup.
  • Ensure that constructors leave objects in a valid and usable state.

Avoiding Heavy Initialization Logic

Avoid performing heavy computations or time-consuming operations within constructors, as it can lead to slower object creation times.

8. Real-world Examples

Building a Person Class

Explore a step-by-step guide to creating a Person class with constructors, member variables, and methods for a comprehensive understanding.

Creating a Vehicle Hierarchy

Construct a hierarchy of vehicle classes (e.g., Vehicle, Car, Truck) to demonstrate constructor chaining and inheritance.

Conclusion: Constructors are the backbone of object initialization and setup in X++. By understanding their syntax, usage, and best practices, developers can create well-structured, maintainable, and reliable code. Constructors ensure that objects start their lifecycle in a consistent and valid state, making them an essential tool in the X++ programming language.


internal final class Person
    str firstName;
    str lastName;

    // Constructor
    public void new(str _firstName, str _lastName)
        firstName = _firstName;
        lastName = _lastName;
        Info(strFmt("%1 %2", firstName, LastName));

    // constructor another way to create object
    public static Person constructor(str _firstName, str _lastName){
            return new Person(_firstName, _lastName);

    // method
    public void Person(str _firstName, str _lastName)
        firstName = _firstName;
        lastName = _lastName;

        Info(strFmt("%1 %2", firstName, LastName));


Always try to make new method (which is a constructor) as protected not public.

internal final class TestClass
    public static void main(Args _args)
        Person objPerson = new Person("Rumman", "Ansari");

        // call method     
        objPerson.Person("Musar", "Mondal");

        // constructor another way to create object
        Person objPerson1 = Person::constructor("Osman", "SK");



Constructor in x++