Relational Algebra and Calculus

Computer Science and Engineering > DataBase Management System

Both relational algebra and relational calculus are formal languages associated with relational model that are used to specify the basic retrieval requests.

Relational algebra consists of a basic set of operations, which can be used for carrying out basic retrieval operations. Relational calculus, on the other hand, provides declarative notations based on mathematical logic for specifying relational queries. Relational algebra uses a procedural approach by providing a step-by-step procedure for carrying out a query, whereas relational calculus uses the non-procedural approach as it describes the information to be retrieved without specifying the method for obtaining that information.

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➲ Relational Algebra and Calculus - Quiz

  • A Union
  • B Cartesian product
  • C Division
  • D Difference
  • A Select
  • B Difference
  • C Division
  • D Project
  • A Union
  • B Join
  • C Cartesian product
  • D All of these
  • A It includes all the tuples from both the relations satisfying the join condition along with all the tuples in the right relation that do not have a corresponding tuple in the left relation.
  • B It includes all the tuples from both the relations satisfying the join condition along with all the tuples in the left relation that do not have a corresponding tuple in the right relation.
  • C It selects all the tuples satisfying the join condition along with the tuples for which no tuples from the other relation satisfy the join condition.
  • D None of these
  • A The relation R for which tuple variable T is defined.
  • B A condition P(T) on the basis of which a set of tuples is to be retrieved.
  • C An attribute list specifying the required attributes to be retrieved for the tuples satisfying the given condition.
  • D All of these
  • A Join
  • B Division
  • C Cartesian product (multiplication)
  • D Projection
  • C AVG
  • D MAX
  • A Outer join
  • B Left outer join
  • C Inner join
  • D Right outer join
  • A Join, cartesian product (multiplication), division
  • B Project, restriction, union
  • C Union, intersection, minus
  • D Update, insert, delete
  • A Select operation
  • B Project operation
  • C Rename operation
  • D None of these
  • A None of these
  • B Both (a) and (b)
  • C Associative
  • D Commutative