
Computer Science and Engineering > Data Structure

Looking for practice questions on Stacks Data Structure? Our MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) quiz is designed to help you test your knowledge and prepare for exams. Try our free practice questions today! Our quiz covers all aspects of Stacks Data Structure, including implementation, operations, and more. Whether you're a student preparing for an exam or a professional looking to brush up on your skills, our practice questions are a great way to test your knowledge and improve your understanding of Stacks Data Structure. ➲ Stacks - Quiz

  • A A data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed in any order
  • B A data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from the beginning or end
  • C A data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from one end only
  • D A data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from both ends
  • A Push and pop
  • B Insert and delete
  • C Enqueue and dequeue
  • D Sort and search
  • A Array
  • B Linked list
  • C Binary tree
  • D Hash table
  • A The stack remains unchanged
  • B An error occurs
  • C The top element is returned with no change to the stack
  • D The bottom element is returned with no change to the stack
  • A Reversing a string
  • B Undoing an operation in a text editor
  • C Evaluating arithmetic expressions
  • D Storing data in a database
  • A O(1)
  • B O(log n)
  • C O(n)
  • D O(n log n)
  • A It allows for efficient insertion and deletion at any position
  • B It allows for efficient searching and sorting of elements
  • C It follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle
  • D It allows for efficient insertion and deletion at the top end
  • A Sorting a list of integers
  • B Finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph
  • C Evaluating arithmetic expressions
  • D Generating all possible subsets of a set
  • A It can only store a limited number of elements
  • B It is not efficient for searching or sorting elements
  • C It requires a lot of memory to implement
  • D It can lead to stack overflow errors if the stack becomes too large
  • A Checking if a sentence is a palindrome
  • B Solving a maze
  • C Evaluating the postfix notation of an arithmetic expression
  • D Storing data in a database