Is it possible to call atexit() function more than once in a C program?

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Yes. We can call atexit() function more than once. But, they will be executed in reverse order as a stack.

#include <stdio.h> </p>
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                     Answer: <ul>
<li>exit() function terminates the program/process normally and returns the status code to the parent program/process.</li>
<li>Syntax: void exit(int status)</li>
</ul>                  </div>
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                     Answer: <ul>
<li>exit() is a system call which terminates current process. exit() is not an instruction of C language.</li>
<li>Whereas, return() is a C language instruction/statement and it returns from the current function (i.e. provides exit status to calling function and provides control back to the calling function).</li>
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<p>Syntax: /* your comments here */</p>                  </div>
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                     Answer: <p>#pragma is a pre-processor macro in C. It is used to call a function before and after main function in a C program.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
#include <stdio.h>

void function1( );
void function2( );

#pragma startup function1
#pragma exit function2

int main( )
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                     Answer: <p>To override an existing macro, we need to undefine existing macro using &ldquo;#undef&rdquo;. Then, we need to define same macro again with new value.</p>                  </div>
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                     Answer: <p>#ifdef pre-processor directive checks whether particular macro is defined or not in a C program.</p>                  </div>
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                     Answer: <ul>
<li>memcpy() function is used to copy a specified number of bytes from one memory to another. Whereas, strcpy() function is used to copy the contents of one string into another string.</li>
<li>memcpy() function acts on memory rather than value. Whereas, strcpy() function acts on value rather than memory.</li>
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                     Answer: <ul>
<li>memcpy()&nbsp; function is is used to copy a specified number of bytes from one memory to another.</li>
<li>memmove() function is used to copy a specified number of bytes from one memory to another or to overlap on same memory.</li>
<li>Difference between memmove() and memcpy() is, overlap can happen on memmove(). Whereas, memory overlap won&rsquo;t happen in memcpy() and it should be done in non-destructive way.</li>
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