Dynamic Programming - Quiz

  • A The process of storing solutions to subproblems in memory
  • B A way to optimize the use of memory in a program
  • C A technique for creating algorithms that use only constant space
  • D A method for breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems
  • A Sorting a list of integers in ascending order
  • B Finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph
  • C Computing the nth Fibonacci number
  • D Calculating the greatest common divisor of two numbers
  • A Computing the nth Fibonacci number
  • B Finding the longest common subsequence between two strings
  • C Finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph
  • D Sorting a list of integers in ascending order
  • A Computing the nth prime number
  • B Finding the minimum cost path in a weighted graph
  • C Sorting a list of strings in lexicographic order
  • D Computing the edit distance between two strings
  • A A technique for designing efficient algorithms by breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems
  • B A way to store and organize data in a computer program
  • C A process of optimizing memory usage in a program
  • D A method for creating algorithms that use only constant space
  • A Overlapping subproblems
  • B Optimal substructure
  • C Recursion
  • D Divide and conquer
  • A Dynamic programming involves breaking a problem down into smaller subproblems and reusing solutions to those subproblems, while brute force involves exhaustively searching through all possible solutions.
  • B Dynamic programming involves solving subproblems independently and combining the results, while brute force involves solving the problem in a step-by-step fashion.
  • C Dynamic programming involves solving the problem using only constant space, while brute force uses as much space as needed.
  • D Dynamic programming is faster than brute force for all types of problems.
  • A A way to store and organize data in a computer program
  • B A technique for breaking down a problem into smaller subproblems
  • C A process of optimizing memory usage in a program
  • D A method of solving problems by starting with the overall problem and recursively breaking it down into smaller subproblems