What to do when you feel suicidal - Suicide Prevention Day

Rumman Ansari   2019-09-11   Student   Life Lesson > Suicide-Prevention-Day   726 Share

What to do when you feel suicidal

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day(Tuesday, 10 September World Suicide Prevention Day 2019). Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp are flooded with posts remembering people who haven’t been able to take the burden of mental health issues and taken the last step out. These include celebrities like Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain or could even be someone from within their own familial or social circles. 

Suicide accounts for almost 2% of all deaths worldwide. Doesn’t seem like a very large number, does it?

But the fact that there can be so many people who feel so defeated and helpless that they feel there is no other way out is very disturbing and disheartening. And the fact that these are all preventable, if one is able to take steps to cope with the deep distress of that time and get past the moment of impulse. 

People who have survived suicide often say that they regretted the step as soon they took it. They have lived to tell the tale and many of them become advocates of helping people know that what they are going through in that weak moment is not what the rest of life would be like. It is important to be able to get past THAT moment. 

Suicidal thoughts are often triggered by extreme emotional distress caused by relationship conflicts, financial crisis, unfulfilled romantic ideals, physical illness, substance abuse and mental illness. You may go through intense emotions of loneliness, guilt, humiliation, fear, angst and dread. You may also feel numb where you might not experience any emotion or sensation. As it can get immensely difficult to cope with these feelings, it is important to look at coping strategies and explore support systems one can rely upon in difficult moments.

Talk to someone: 

      Call a friend, family member, colleague, or any one you trust. You don’t need to tell them the entire situation if you are uncomfortable. You may just speak about anything that makes you feel comfortable.

Take a step towards ensuring your safety:


      Discard or keep away objects like sharp knives, blades, medication, rope, or poison for your safety. Be around people who are likely to support you in times of distress.

Strategies for emotional regulation: 

      While going through suicidal thoughts, you are likely to feel immensely overwhelmed or numb. These self- help strategies are likely to bring your emotions to an optimum level:


      -Hold an ice cube in your hand and notice how cold it feels till it melts completely.


      -Ground your senses to the present. Notice what objects you can see around you, the sounds you can hear, the sensations you feel on your skin. 


      -Take long deep breaths. 

Make a coping card:


      A coping card might help direct your actions when you struggle with feelings of hopelessness. It can contain any activity that brings you peace of mind. It can have grounding techniques such as taking deep breaths, meditating, listening to soothing music or any activity that you enjoy. It might also contain suggestions or directions that if followed can help in calming you such as taking a walk, a shower etc. 

Be kind to yourself: 

      Suicidal thoughts are likely to be accompanied by a lot of guilt and self- blame. Being compassionate towards yourself in such times is likely to lessen the risk of suicide. Make attempts to reframe your inner critical voice. You may say, “I understand you are feeling distressed, I want you to feel better. Can you lie down and try to relax for a while?’. If it is difficult to talk to yourself, engage in physical gestures of warmth like stroking your arm, hugging a pillow.


Consult a therapist:


      Seeking therapy regularly for emotional distress is likely to help in managing overwhelming emotions. It can also be a space where you gain skills to cope with challenges in your day-to-day life which trigger thoughts of suicide. Therapy can be sought both face- to- face, over the phone or online.