Local Temporary tables

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-03-25   5632 Share
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How to Create a Local Temporary Table:

Creating a local Temporary table is very similar to creating a permanent table, except that you prefix the table name with 1 pound (#) symbol. In the example below, #PersonDetails is a local temporary table, with Id and Name columns.

Create Table #PersonDetails(Id int, Name nvarchar(20))

Insert Data into the temporary table:

Insert into #PersonDetails Values(1, 'Mike')
Insert into #PersonDetails Values(2, 'John')
Insert into #PersonDetails Values(3, 'Todd')

Select the data from the temporary table:

Select * from #PersonDetails

How to check if the local temporary table is created.

Temporary tables are created in the TEMPDB. Query the sysobjects system table in TEMPDB. The name of the table, is suffixed with lot of underscores and a random number. For this reason you have to use the LIKE operator in the query.

Select name from tempdb..sysobjects 
where name like '#PersonDetails%'

You can also check the existence of temporary tables using object explorer. In the object explorer, expand TEMPDB database folder, and then exapand TEMPORARY TABLES folder, and you should see the temporary table that we have created.

A local temporary table is available, only for the connection that has created the table. If you open another query window, and execute the following query you get an error stating 'Invalid object name #PersonDetails'. This proves that local temporary tables are available, only for the connection that has created them.

A local temporary table is automatically dropped, when the connection that has created the it, is closed. If the user wants to explicitly drop the temporary table, he can do so using

DROP TABLE #PersonDetails

If the temporary table, is created inside the stored procedure, it get's dropped automatically upon the completion of stored procedure execution. The stored procedure below, creates #PersonDetails temporary table, populates it and then finally returns the data and destroys the temporary table immediately after the completion of the stored procedure execution.

Create Procedure spCreateLocalTempTable
Create Table #PersonDetails(Id int, Name nvarchar(20))

Insert into #PersonDetails Values(1, 'Mike')
Insert into #PersonDetails Values(2, 'John')
Insert into #PersonDetails Values(3, 'Todd')

Select * from #PersonDetails

It is also possible for different connections, to create a local temporary table with the same name. For example User1 and User2, both can create a local temporary table with the same name #PersonDetails. Now, if you expand the Temporary Tables folder in the TEMPDB database, you should see 2 tables with name #PersonDetails and some random number at the end of the name. To differentiate between, the User1 and User2 local temp tables, sql server appends the random number at the end of the temp table name.